1. 找到27个不同的人生故事
2. 尝试27种跟柠檬相关的食物
3. 找到 27个让人会意一笑的灵感瞬间
4. 走访27个风格迥异的店铺
5. 科普27个产品相关的工艺
6. 寻找27个城市解压的方式
7. 喝完27箱气泡水
「柠檬 咚」很高兴遇见你!祝你2022,新年快乐!
Hi!“Dong”, Here we are!
In the following year, we have a solid plan:
1. Find 27 different stories about life values
2. Try out 27 different lemon recipes
3. Find 27 "Tickle Quo" moments
4. Visit 27 stylished city stores
5. Learn 27 craftmanships skills
6. Find 27 unique releasing methods in cities
7. Drink up 27 boxes of sparking water
Nature inspires our design aesthetic and is the driving force behind our life principles!
「TICKLE QUO」is pleasure to meeting you!Happy New year 2022!